East Coast Bays United Softball Club

Help fund new uniforms at no cost to you.

We don’t need your money we just need your power!

Every 4-5 years we need to replace the club uniforms for our 230 members at a cost of around $20,000!

We have previously relied on grants to meet this cost, membership fees don’t cover the cost of replacing the uniforms.

With so much demand from other sectors of the community, grants are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain for sports clubs like ours.

We now have a wonderful opportunity from Community Power to raise the funds we need without it costing our members a cent.

Just 50 members joining will raise around $4,000. a year. That’s enough to replace the uniforms every 4-5 years.


Sound too good to be true I hear you say, well it’s not. I have joined, I now pay $136.00, a year less for my electricity AND my donation to the club and our Association has been $101.00 in the past 12 months!”

Please join me. Chris Rawlings, President, East Coast Bays Softball Club Inc.


Here’s how it works:

We all must buy our electricity from somewhere, right?

Well now when you buy your electricity from Community Power you get to donate a share of the profits they make from your account to the club’s uniform fund account.

You pay the same rates you pay now, or less, so it won’t cost you a cent.

Your donation comes from Community Power’s profits, not your pocket.

To help us at no cost to you, join today (see below)!

Thank you


To join simply click here    Request a quote     and attach a copy of a recent bill.

  • Community Power will analyse your bill to see if they can offer you any savings as well as the donation to your club and the Association. 70% goes to your club, 30% goes to the Association.
  • How you receive and use your power won’t change only now you will be creating funding for the club’s uniform account whenever you use electrcity in your home.
  • Just 50 members joining will raise around $4,000. a year. That’s enough to replace the uniforms every 4-5 years.

If we can get more than 50 households to join then any additional funds raised will go into other gear requirements.


To join simply click here    Request a quote     and attach a copy of a recent bill.

Why Support Us?

With so much demand from other sectors of the community, grants are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain for sports clubs like ours.

We now have a wonderful opportunity from Community Power to raise funds without it costing our members a cent!


What could these funds be used for?

  • Our clubs provide uniforms for all players and these need to be replaced every 3-5 years.
  • Help clubs provide other gear and equipment
  • Invest in skills development of coaches and players
  • Support representative teams and players
  • Run tournaments and events


About Community Power

Community Power is a new Social Enterprise company that allows you to share the profits they make from your account with the club. All funds raised will go to the unifrm fund account.

Community Power is New Zealand owned and operated and operates from the North Shore in Auckland.

Community Power is an electricity retailer, approved by the Electricity Authority, operates throughout New Zealand and can provide electricity to both households and businesses.  If anyone can provide a business bill for analysis then please do so.  The donation amount from a business account is typically larger as businesses almost always use more electricity than a household.

The Power of Together, you, your club and Community Power.



Frequently asked questions:

  • I currently receive a prompt payment discount, will I still receive this? Yes
  • I receive a network company dividend, will I still receive this? Yes. The network dividend comes to you from the Network company regardless of which retailer you are with.
  • Will my power be interrupted if I switch to you? No, your electricity is never disconnected when switching between retailers.
  • Isn’t switching really hard? No, once you say “Yes please switch me” we’ll do the rest. All you need to do is provide us with a few details to set up your account.
  • Where do you get your electricity from, do you burn coal? Great question! We are very fortunate that in New Zealand, approx 85% of our electricity is generated from renewable sources including Hydro, Geothermal and Wind. Transpower manages the national grid and purchases electricity from the generators throughout the country according to the demand from consumers and the availability of water throughout New Zealand’s Hydro storage system. When Hydro storage is low other forms of generation are brought on stream to meet the demand to keep the lights on. Retailers don’t manage the source of electricity generation and nor can we guarantee to you where the electricity you use is generated from. What retailers can say is that most of the electricity you will use comes from renewable sources, its the same for all retailers.

Have any other questions…email us at: support@communitypower.co.nz