Now you can Donate, at no cost to you!
When you join Community Power we match (or better) your electricity charges so you pay the same (or less).
We then allow you to donate a portion of your existing spending on electricity to the charity, school, church, club, community organisation, or individual of your choice.
It won’t cost you a cent more, your donation comes from your current spending on your electricity usage.
For a household of 4 the donation amount is generally between $80 and $120 per annum and your donation keeps on giving year after year.
Now you can donate at no more cost to you.
The joy of giving, at no more cost to you, brought to you by Community Power.

We support
Charities, schools, churches, clubs (sports or others), community organisations, or individuals. Simply choose to whom you wish your donation to go to.
You will pay no more for your electricity than you pay today (or less) AND are able to donate a portion of our profits which we make from you buying your electricity from us, to the recipient of your choice.
Donations to registered charities qualify for a tax credit of 33%. If you currently receive a network company rebate or dividend you will continue to receive this. Simply join now, we do all the rest.

Looking for a unique & innovative fundraising tool?
Now your members, volunteers, employees, donors and supporters can donate to your organisation at no cost to them.
Just 100 households switching their electricity supply to Community Power and your organisation could raise $8,000 – $12,000 per annum.
You can also enlist the support of businesses. Businesses that join Community Power also get to donate to your organisation some of the profits we make from them buying their electricity from us.

Power of Together
By bringing together consumers and fundraisers, Community Power facilitates a powerful new and innovative fundraising tool, to support the communities we all live in.
Consumers buy their electricity from Community Power, we then share our profits with the consumer’s chosen community organisation, at no cost to the consumer.