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Contact us:
Email: support@communitypower.co.nz
Or Phone: 0800 11 33 70
Or write to us at PO Box 334128, Sunnynook, Auckland, 0743
About donating
- Yes I want to start donating at no cost to me right away! How do I switch to Community Power?
- Switching to Community Power is easy. Simply click on Join Now, complete the application form and we will do the rest. Please have a copy of your most recent bill handy, as you will need to attach this bill once you have completed the application form. You do not need to contact your current provider.
- Why do you need a copy of my bill?
- There are literally thousands of different meter set ups and pricing plans in the market place today. As we are switching you on a price match (or less) we need to sight a copy of your bill to check who your current network provider is and what pricing plan you are on to see if we can make any savings for you as well as generate the donation amount for you and your chosen charity or organisation.
- Does it really cost me no more than I am paying today to donate to the charity or organisation of my choice?
- Yes, subject to the terms set out below*, you can switch on your current rates and start donating from your very first bill. If you are on a rate higher than our standard rates you have the option to keep the extra savings or include them in your donation.
Some retailers offer very low rates to attract new customers from time to time and in most cases these low rates are not made available to that same retailer’s existing customers. In some instances we may not be able to match these low rates and generate the required level of donation funds. We don’t expect this to occur often and will let you know when you apply if we are unable to match the rates you are currently on.
- How much will my donation be?
- It depends on the amount of electricity you use, your donation amount is calculated at the rate of 1 cent for every kilowatt hour you consume. For example, if your household consumes 10,000 kilowatt hours per annum then you would be donating $100.00 per annum, each and every year. GST is not payable on donations so if you also wish to donate the GST portion then you would be donating $115.00 per annum without paying any more than you pay today.
- When will my chosen recipient receive my donation?
- Every three months. All donations are paid to the chosen donation recipient every three months. A request for accrued donations to be paid at an alternative time can be made if the funds are required for a special event which occurs before the quarterly payments are made.
- How can you do this?
- Primarily by keeping our overheads low and being willing to share our profits with the Communities we live in.
The latest Herald executive pay survey reveals that the average remuneration received by the heads of the top public firms, which includes the heads of the publicly traded energy companies, surged by 12 per cent in 2015, to $1.68 million.
We believe the gap between the heads of these companies and the average wage of their employees has become too great. By reducing this gap, managing our other costs and sharing our profits, we can give back to the Communities we live in, while at the same time building a sustainable business for our employees and stakeholders.
Our aim is to build a Social Enterprise Company, supporting the lives of real people in our communities. We can do this when you buy your electricity from us and we then share the profits we make from your account with the charity, organisation or individual of your choice.
- Can I change who I donate to from time to time?
- Yes. You can change who receives your donation amount, the choice is yours. You can change your donation recipient once a quarter, so four times a year. To change your recipient email us at support@communitypower.co.nz or call us on 0800 11 33 70.
- What is an RDP number and how can I be sure my donation is going to the charity, organisation or individual of my choice?
- We issue each charity, organisation or individual that will be receiving donations from our customers with their own unique 7 digit Recipient Donation Plan number. We refer to charities, organisations and individuals that receive donations from our customers as “Recipients”, hence their unique number is referred to as a Recipient Donation Plan number or an RDP number for short. When you apply on-line or over the phone you will be asked for the RDP number you have been given. We then match this to the number in our database and present back to you the name of the charity, organisation or individual you wish to donate to for confirmation. RDP numbers are unique and contain a check-digit routine, just like your bank account number.
- What if I don’t have an RDP Number but want to join and donate a share of the profits from my account to a charity, organisation or individual?
- If you don’t have an RDP number you can tell us when you apply to join on-line or over the phone who you wish your donation to go to. We will then contact them and set them up to receive your donation. We will include on your monthly invoices details of who your donation is going to and the amount donated.
About joining
- Who can join Community Power?
- Anyone, subject to our acceptance checking, both individuals and businesses, can join and we supply all of the country.
If you are a fundraiser you also can join by switching your own electricity account(s) and receive a donation back on those accounts, plus of course from those of your volunteers, employees, supporters and members who join. Some electricity retailers won’t accept you as a customer unless you have a smart meter installed. Not us. You can still join Community Power and have a portion of your bill donated to the charity/organisation of your choice without it costing you any more than you pay today (or less) even if you do not have a smart meter installed.
- Does the way I receive or use my electricity change if I join Community Power?
- No, it stays the same. The only difference is you will now receive your bills from Community Power and you will be donating to the charity/community of your choice without it costing you any more than you pay today.
- I love it! How do I join?
- Click on Join Now
- Complete the application form.
- Attach a copy of a recent electricity bill. We will switch your electricity supply to Community Power on your current rates (or less) – you will pay no more than you pay now. We will notify you when your switch to Community Power has been completed and your donation will start accruing from the day you switch.
Applications are subject to our acceptance criteria.
Email donate@communitypower.co.nz
Or call us: 0800 11 33 70 - I want to join but I’m under contract
- Email us a copy of your bill and the date when your contract expires. We will complete a price analysis and contact you again near the expiry date.
- How long is Community Power’s Contract Term?
- There is no contract period when you join Community Power. You can switch to another retailer at any time, and cease donations to your chosen recipient.
- When will I receive my first Community Power bill and how long will I have to pay it?
- We invoice you monthly, you will receive your bill 5-7 days after the end of the month. We will give you 10 days from the date of the invoice to make payment.
- How can I pay my bill?
- Community Power prefers you pay your bill by Direct Debit so that it’s always paid in full, on time, and you retain your prompt payment discount (where applicable). We also have options for internet banking or fixed regular payments eg every week or 2 weeks. You can also pay by Credit Card using your Bank’s online payment system.
- Direct Debit Form
- You can pay your account by Direct Debit. We will need you to complete a Direct Debit form and return this to us.
- What if I can’t pay my bill in full on time?
- You will lose your prompt payment discount and will need to pay the total undiscounted amount of your bill. It’s always preferable to let us know if you are having difficulties meeting your bill commitment, so please contact us, explain your circumstances and we may be able to offer a solution. The sooner you let us know, the sooner we can assist.
- What if I do not pay my bill?
- Community Power will send you a reminder once your bill is overdue. Should you fail to pay this bill and have not contacted us to make alternative arrangements, we may commence the disconnection process. Your outstanding debt will also be placed in the hands of a debt collection agency, thereby incurring additional charges and fees which you will also need to pay. Once the disconnection process is commenced you will need to find an alternative electricity retailer.
- Disconnection Process
- If your account remains outstanding, except in the case of agreed or emergency disconnections, we will provide you with at least 7 days’ notice or warning of disconnection. If you have still failed to pay the amount owing and have not contacted us to make alternative arrangements, we will provide you with a final warning no less than 24 hours nor more than 7 days before the disconnection takes place.
Following disconnection you will need to contact an alternative retailer to reconnect. You will also be responsible for any charges and fees associated with the disconnection process and debt recovery process.
- What happens to my donation if I default on paying my bill?
- The amount of donations accumulated in the quarter in which your bill is outstanding, will first be applied in reduction of your debt to Community Power. If there is any donation amount remaining it will be forwarded to your chosen donation recipient.
General questions
- What happens if I move, will my rates stay the same?
- If you move but stay within the same Network Company area and the meter set up is the same as the property you were previously at, then your rates will stay the same. If you move to an area which is supplied by a different Network Company or the meter set up at your new premise is different then your rates may change. This is because each Network Company charges different rates for their services. Contact us via email or phone to let us know your new address and we can confirm whether your rates will change.
- We’ve moved in and there’s no power!
- Firstly, always check the fuse box. Sometimes when people move out, they will turn the power off. If that’s not the issue and it has been disconnected, contact us and we will arrange for a technician to visit your property to reconnect. There will be a charge for this, and we will advise you of the charges applicable at the time. However, if there is a smart meter installed at the property these can often be reconnected remotely, at a lower cost to you.
- My property has been disconnected from supply for a long time
- Any property that has had the electricity disconnected for a period exceeding six months will require an Electrical Certificate or Code of Compliance, issued by an electrician, to confirm that it is safe to recommence supply of electricity to the property. You are responsible for engaging the electrician and the charges associated with this.
- I have gas or LPG as well
- While Community Power does not supply gas or LPG — only electricity, you can still have your electricity supply with us and we can arrange for a competitive quote for your GAS or LPG from one of our GAS and LPG partner suppliers.
- Are there any other charges I need to be aware of?
- There is no cost to join Community Power. However should you require other services, e.g. if we need to send a technician to your property, the charges and fees applicable will be your responsibility. We will however, advise you of the cost before the service is undertaken. A list of events and charges applicable can be found here www.communitypower.co.nz/account-enquiries/additonalfees-and-charges.
- A person at my premises has a medical dependency or vulnerability
- You need to contact us immediately to advise us if anyone living at your property requires electricity for critical electrical medical equipment, where a loss of electricity supply would present a clear threat or danger to the health and wellbeing of that person, or there is a clear threat to the health and wellbeing of a person due to age, health or disability.
- Is my privacy protected?
- Community Power stores all your personal information on secure servers, in secure data centres, behind firewalls. Our data centre and software provider’s security systems and procedures use industry best practice, to make sure all your personal and financial information is stored securely.
- If I have a complaint whom do I contact?
- Please contact us via email at support@communitypower.co.nz or compete the form on our “Account Enquiries” page on our web site. We will acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days and provide either a resolution or an indication as to when your complaint will be resolved. We will advise you of progress towards resolution of your complaint after 7 working days and aim to have this resolved within 20 working days.
If you are not satisfied with our complaint resolution process you may contact the Utilities Disputes Limited on 0800 22 33 40 or via their website www.utilitiesdisputes.co.nz.
- Solar generation credit: I receive a credit for my surplus solar, if I switch to Community Power will I still receive this credit?
- Yes, we typically match your solar credit rate. We also have a solar buy back option that could generate even greater returns for you. Enquire when you apply.
- I receive a dividend/rebate from our Network Company, if I switch to Community Power will I still receive this dividend/rebate?
- Yes, any Network Company dividend, except for the Tauranga Energy Consumer Trust, will still be paid to you when you switch to Community Power. Network Company dividends/rebates are paid based on the area you live in not which retailer you are with, except for the Tauranga Energy Consumer Trust.
- Where do I find a copy of Community Power’s terms and conditions?
- Click here to see our terms and conditions.