Here’s how you can help fundraise for the Club
AND for a limited time earn $100 for yourself!
We have partnered with Community Power to raise funds for the maintenance and improvement of the Clubs facilities. This is the best fundraising initiative we have ever seen as it doesn’t cost our members anything.
This fundraising initiative will relieve the pressure on our general account to fund maintenance and improvements to the club’s facilities.
It won’t cost you a cent, you will donating a share of your existing spending on electricity and now for a limited time, until 30 Nov 2021, you will earn $100 for yourself as well.
“We have joined, please join us.” Grant Purves President, Ben Austin Director, Colin Just Trustee.
How does joining Community Power help the club?
The club has been here her for 45 years now. Maintenance of the club’s facilities is a never-ending issue and the coming on board of Community Power will provide funds for the club, to upgrade our facilities for the benefit of you, our valued members.
We all have to buy our electricity from somewhere right? Well now when you join Community Power you will be donating a share of your existing spending on electricity to the Club. You won’t pay anymore than you pay now and may even get to pay less, then the Club will receive on average around $100. per account, each and every year. For every 300 members that join around $30,000. a year will be raised for the Club.
And now. for a limited time (until 30th November 2021) you will receive a $100 credit on your first invoice from Community Power.
Sound too good to be true I hear you say, well it’s not. Ben Austin (Director) and Colin Just (Trustee), have put their money where their mouths are and have both signed up and are now receiving cheaper power at home, plus they have been making a passive donation to the club, at no cost to themselves. Their donations alone will be around $400. per annum.
And Grant Purves has joined on a “price match”. Grant pays the same he was paying before, no more, but now around $85.00 a year comes to the Club.
Click here to Request a quote to see how much you could be donating, at no additional cost to you, and if there are any savings for you as well.
We have partnered with Community Power, an innovative Social Enterprise company, that allows you to donate a portion of your existing spending on electricity to the Club when you buy your electricity from them.
We all must buy our electricity from somewhere right? Well now when you buy your electricity from Community Power you will be donating a portion of your existing spending on electricity to the Club. It won’t cost you a cent more, you may even get to pay less and make some savings for yourself as well, just as some other members have.
Community Power will match or better your current rates so you pay the same you are paying now or less, you may even get to pay less like Colin now does.
“I have joined. Community Power was able to give me a lower rate for my electricity saving me around $250 a year and I get to donate around $250 a year from my account.” – Colin Just – Trustee.
Community Power will enable us to build up funds over time for maintenance and improvements of the Club’s facilities.
For example just 300 members could raise around $30,000 a year, over 10 years that’s $300,000!
Switching to Community Power was easy and hassle free.
“Colin (one of our Trustees) and I have already joined. Switching to Cashmere Power was easy, it was all done by email, our electricity supply continued as normal and we are now creating funding for the Club’s facilities fund at no cost to us. In fact Colin even got to save some money himself.”
“As I was on a competitive pricing plan I switched on the same rates I was already paying. I still pay the same I was paying but now 1 cent for every kilowatt hour of electricity I use is donated to the Club’s facilities fund. My donation is going to be approx $157. a year.” Ben Austin – Director
Just 300 members joining could raise $30,000 a year, every year.

Please join us. We have a wonderful facility that benefits many in our community. Lets keep it moving forward for the community, our current members and all those that come after us.
It won’t cost you a cent, you may even save some money yourself like Colin has.
Thank you for your support. Ben Austin – Director and Colin Just Trustee – Working hard for the Club and our community
How to join
Simply request a quote for your electricity supply by clicking here: Request a quote
Attach a copy of a recent electricity bill and Community Power will analyse your account and provide you with a quote and details of how much your donation will be and any savings there may be for you.
Then if you like what Community Power has to offer simple ask them to switch your account to Community Power and your donation to the Club, along with any savings for you, will start from your very first invoice from Community Power.
Remember, you will switch on a price match or less, there may even be some savings for you.
What will the funds be used for?
All funds raised will be deposited into a new bank account and used for maintenance and improvements of the Club’s facilities.
Business Account Donations
Community Power can also generate donations to the Club from business accounts. Business account donations are usually larger than those from residential households because businesses typically use much more electricity. Simply Request a quote to see how much the donation would be and if there are any savings as well.
How much will the donation be?
For residential consumers the donation amount is 1 cent for every kilowatt hour of electricity used. For example if your household uses 10,000 kilowatts a year then the donation from your account will be $100.00 a year.
Just 300 members using on average 10,000 kilowatt hours a year would create funding of $30,000 a year for the Club’s facilitates fund.
For business accounts the amount per kilowatt varies depending on the meter set up and pricing plan for the property and what rates the business is currently paying. Once Community Power has a copy of a recent bill they can asses the account and determine the donation amount.
Fundraising made easy
“This truly is fundraising made easy. We all use electricity, you switch on a price match or less so you pay no more than you are already paying, then you will be donating a potion of your spending on electricity to the Club.
And your donation is ongoing, every time you use electricity in your home or business you will be creating funding for the Club’s new facilities maintenance and improvement fund.
We hope you will join us.”
Thank you. Ben Austin -Director and Colin Just Trustee – working hard for our Club.
Frequently asked questions and answers:
I currently receive a prompt payment discount, will I still receive this?
Will my power be interrupted if I switch to you?
NO, your electricity is never disconnected when switching between retailers.
Isn’t switching really hard?
NO, once you say “Yes please switch me” we do the rest. Other than providing us with a few details to set up your account that’s all you need to do.
Where do you get your electricity from, do you burn coal?
Great question! We are very fortunate in New Zealand, approx 85% of our electricity is generated from renewable sources including Hydro, Geothermal and Wind.
Transpower manages the national grid and purchases of electricity from the generators throughout the country according to the demand from consumers and the availability of water throughout New Zealand’s Hydro storage system.
When Hydro storage is low other forms of generation are brought on stream to meet the demand to keep the lights on.
Retailers don’t manage the source of electricity generation and nor can we guarantee to you where the electricity you use is generated from. What retailers can say is that most of the electricity you will use comes from renewable sources, its the same for all retailers.
Have any other questions…email us at:
About Community Power
Community Power is a division of Plus Energy Limited. Community Power is a Social Enterprise company that allows you to donate a portion of your spending on electricity to the Club.
Our aim is to improve the lives of real people in our communities by giving you the opportunity to donate and help others from money you are already spending, without it costing you anymore than you are already paying. You may even pay less and save some money yourself
Community Power is New Zealand owned and operated.
Community Power has been certified by the Electricity Authority to retail electricity, operates throughout New Zealand and can provide electricity to both households and businesses. If anyone can provide a business bill for analysis then please do so. The donation amount the Club will receive from a business account is typically larger as businesses almost always use more electricity than a household.