Mid Northern Rugby Club


The Mid Northern Rugby Club has a long and proud tradition including producing:

  • 5 All Blacks
  • 10 Maori All Blacks
  • 2 New Zealand As
  • 3 New Zealand age-group representatives
  • 4 Super Rugby players
  • 4 Secondary school, and
  • 50 Northland Representatives

We currently have 100+ junior players and we don’t charge subs for these players.

If you could help fund junior rugby and the club without it costing you a cent, would you?


Too good to be true I hear you say, well its not.

“We have switched our own account. We now pay $261.93 less a year for our electrcity AND Mid Northern Rugby Club gets $126.94 a year!

And the best part is its ongoing, year-after-year, this is not a one off.

Please join us. It won’t cost you anything (like us you may even save some money) only now you will be creating funding for the Mid Northern Rugby Club whenever you use electricity in your home or business.

Thank you“. Dave and Dianne Holwell


You can help at no cost to you



We have been given a wonderful opportunity which allows people to donate in an alternative way without having to dip into their own pockets.


It is hard to fundraise these days and this is an easy and cost free way to help support Mid Northern rugby continue in the rural community.


Here how it works

We all must buy our electricity from somewhere, right? Well now when you buy it from Community Power you get to donate a share of the profits Community Power makes from your account to the Mid Northern Rugby Club..

You never pay any more, you may even pay less, then whenever you use electricity in your home or business (yes we can create funding from business accounts as well), you will be helping raise funds to contribute to the club and the funding of our juniors.

The funds raised come from Community Power’s profits not your pocket.


What do I have to do?

Simply click here    Request a quote      and attach a copy of a recent bill

to see how much you could be donating and if you too could be paying less for your electrcity.

Thank you.


Questions and answers:

I currently receive a prompt payment discount, will I still receive this?


I receive a Network company dividend, will I still receive this?

YES. The network dividend comes to you from the Network company regardless of which retailer you are with.

Will my power be interrupted if I switch to you?

NO, your electricity is never disconnected when switching between retailers.

Isn’t switching really hard?

NO, once you say “Yes please switch me” we do the rest. Other than providing us with a few details to set up your account thats all you need to do.

Where do you get your electricity from, do you burn coal?

Great question!. We are very fortunate in New Zealand, approx 85% of our electricity is generated from renewable sources including Hydro, Geothermal and Wind.

Transpower manages the national grid and purchases of electricity from the generators throughout the country according to the demand from consumers and the availability of water throughout New Zealand’s Hydro storage system.

When Hydro storage is low other forms of generation are brought on stream to meet the demand to keep the lights on.

Retailers don’t manage the source of electricity generation and nor can we guarantee to you where the electricity you use is generated from. What retailers can say is that most of the electricity you will use comes from renewable sources, its the same for all retailers.

Have any other questions…email us at:  support@communitypower.co.nz


About Community Power:

Community Power is a Social Enterprise company that shares its profits with the community.

Our aim is to improve the lives of real people in our communities by giving you the opportunity to donate and help others from money you are already spending, without it costing you anymore than you are already paying. You may even pay less and save some money yourself.

We do this by being an approved, electricity retailer, able to supply electricity to households and businesses throughout New Zealand. Yes just like the big power companies, but without the expensive overheads. We use these savings to enable you to share the profits we make from your account with your community.

Simply switch your electricity to Community Power and your donation will start accurring right away. You won’t pay any more and you may even get to pay less. Join us and join the social enterprise revolution sweeping the globe.

Community Power is a division of Plus Energy Limited, is 100% New Zealand owned and operates from Auckland, New Zealand.


To help the Mid Northern Rugby Club at no cost to you:

Simply request a free, no obligation quote.

You can do this online now by clicking here    Request a quote   and attaching a recent bill.

Or you can email a copy of a recent bill to support@communitypower.co.nz