“Choice and quality of life for people with disabilities”
If you could help us and it didn’t cost you anything, would you?
We sell, hire and loan-on-trial a wide range of equipment and daily living aids.
We are a Charitable Trust and this is a free service to the Community.
Now you can help us raise money without it costing you a cent, please join us, thank you. Sarah Biddiscombe (General Manager – Well-Able)
This is the most powerful fundraising initiative we’ve ever launched. Community Power is a new power company that wants to make a difference to the lives of New Zealanders. To do so, it shares its profits with local charities, schools, clubs and community groups.
Here’s how it works:
When you buy your electricity from Community Power you get to donate a share of the profits they make from your bill to Well-Able. You switch on your current rates, or less, never any more, your donation comes from their profits not your pocket.
The way you receive and use your electricity doesn’t change, only now you will be creating funding for Well-Able whenever you use electricity in your home or business. Yes we can create funding from business accounts as well.
How much will Community Power donate from their profits on my behalf?
For a “standard user” a minimum of $80 per annum and more if you use more than 8,000 kilowatt hours per annum.
For a “low user” (someone using less than 8,000 kilowatt hours p.a.) the average donation is around $50.00
Community Power can create funds for us from business accounts as well.
How to help us at no cost to you:
Help us help our community, it won’t cost you a cent and you might even make some savings.
Please join us. Thank you.
Sarah Biddiscombe (General Manager – Well-Able).
Here’s how to join.
Click on Join Now to complete the application form using the Well-Able donation number of 0000098, we do all the rest. Or request a quote.
Power of Together – You, Well-Able and Community Power.
Join Now using the donation # 0000098 or Request a quote
About Community Power
Community Power is a Social Enterprise Company, which means we share our profits with the community, our aim is to improve the lives of real people in our communities.
When you buy your electricity from us, you will pay the same you pay now (or less), then share our profits with you so you can give to Well-Able and it won’t cost you a cent!
The way you receive and use your electricity supply doesn’t change, only now you will be creating funding for Well-Able whenever you use electricity in your home or business. Yes we can create funding from business accounts as well.
If you receive a dividend or rebate from your Network Company you will continue to receive this dividend.
If you receive a prompt payment discount you will continue to receive this.
Click on Join Now to complete the application form using the Well-Able donation number of 0000098 we do the rest. Or click on Request a Quote for a free, no-obligation quote.
Power of Together – Community Power, Well-Able, and you.
Join Now using the donation number of 0000098 or Request a quote