Zonta International is a worldwide organisation with the mission of empowering women and girls through service and advocacy.
Now you can help us raise funds to support projects locally, nationally and internationally, and it won’t cost you a cent!
Here’s how it works:
We all must buy our electricity from somewhere.
When you buy your electricity from Community Power you pay no more than you pay today and possibly even less then you get to donate a share of the profits Community Power makes from your bill to your local Zonta Club.
Your donation comes from Community Power’s profits, not your pocket, so you never pay a cent more!
For a free, no-obligation quote click here: Request a quote you may even save some money yourself while helping Zonta raise funds for our programmes.
We are proud to have supported the following local organisations & programmes

Leila, inaugural winner of the Spirit of Adventure Award
- White Ribbon & Zonta Says No campaigns to combat domestic violence
- Sponsorship for a local girl to attend The Spirit of New Zealand Leadership Training Voyage
- Second chance scholarship- to enable a local woman to undertake studies
- Funding for local Women’s Refuges & The Whangarei Domestic Violence Unit
- Awards & scholarships to local women showing leadership in our community
- Funding to local high schools to provide for young women’s needs
How to Join:
Joining was very easy. I simply “Requeted a Quote” and attached a copy of my latest electricity bill to Community Power, they came back to me with how much my donation and savings would be and I simply had to say ‘Yes’ and they did the rest.
There was no interruption to my power supply and other than having to provide the usual details when opening a new account, that was it!
- To get a free, no-obligation quote click here: Request a quote
Why support us?
Now you can help us help our local community without it costing you a cent.
Here are our current service projects:
- Baby packs to needy families.
- Spirit of Adventure Award for year 13 student.
- Copies of ‘Loves Me Not’ book donated to libraries.
- Equipment for Plunket.
- Shade Sail for playground.
We now have a wonderful opportunity from Community Power to raise funds for these local projects without it costing our supporters a cent! Just 50 households would raise approx $5,000. a year, every year. Business accounts can also generate funding.
And the best part is your donation is ongoing, its not just a one off. For as long as you nominate Zonta Mangawhai as the recipient of your donation 100% of your donation will be helping us help the community.
For a free, no-obligation quote click here: Request a quote
About Community Power:
Community Power is a new Social Enterprise company. That means they share the profits they make with Zonta Mangawhai when you buy your electricity from them.
You pay the same you pay now, or less, never any more so you may even save some money yourself while helping us raise funds for local projects.
Community Power is New Zealand owned and operated and operates from the North Shore in Auckland.
Community Power is an electricity retailer, audited and approved by the Electricity Authority, operates throughout New Zealand and can provide electricity to both households and businesses. If anyone can provide a business bill for analysis then please do so. The donation amount from a business account is typically larger as businesses almost always use more electricity than a household.
Frequently asked questions:
- I currently receive a prompt payment discount, will I still receive this? Yes
- I receive a network company dividend, will I still receive this? Yes. The network dividend comes to you from the Network company regardless of which retailer you are with.
- Will my power be interrupted if I switch to you? No, your electricity is never disconnected when switching between retailers.
- Isn’t switching really hard? No, once you say “Yes please switch me” we’ll do the rest. All you need to do is provide us with a few details to set up your account.
- Where do you get your electricity from, do you burn coal? Great question! We are very fortunate that in New Zealand, approx 85% of our electricity is generated from renewable sources including Hydro, Geothermal and Wind. Transpower manages the national grid and purchases electricity from the generators throughout the country according to the demand from consumers and the availability of water throughout New Zealand’s Hydro storage system. When Hydro storage is low other forms of generation are brought on stream to meet the demand to keep the lights on. Retailers don’t manage the source of electricity generation and nor can we guarantee to you where the electricity you use is generated from. What retailers can say is that most of the electricity you will use comes from renewable sources, its the same for all retailers.
Have any other questions…email us at: support@communitypower.co.nz